I am having so much fun with this link party! I think it is a great way to get to know each other better!
Each week we are getting more and more people joining, but I would still love for more people to hop in on the PARTY! So I would love you dearly if you would give a big shout out and ask people to come on over to join in on the fun! I know some of you already do this and I greatly appreciate it!
Enough of the rambling, oh wait I forgot one more thing hang in there with me!
If any of you have questions that I could ask for this party,
then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them to me.
I asked my SILAndreato think of some questions for this week. Thanks Andrea!
I can't wait to get to know each other a little better and see what else we have in common besides our craftiness! Here's how it will work, each Tuesday I'll post a few questions. They can be anything from What's your favorite color to What's your favorite movie.
You will then copy this week's questions and change the answers to your own.
You will post them in a new post on your blog (you can back date this post so it doesn't show up as your newest post) and then come and link up that particular post (not the link to your main blog) here on our link party.
Make sure to visit as many blogs as you can and comment! It will be a good way to get to know some fun and interesting things about your fellow crafters!
Also add this cute little button to your post so that others can join in on the PARTY!!! (It is over on the left side bar).
I also would love your input for questions that you would like to know about each other! Feel free to email me any questions you come up with to nightowlcrafting@hotmail.com!
Here are this weeks questions!
1. Do you have any siblings?
2. Do you have any children?
3. Are you a morning or night person?
4.Are you organized or spontaneous?
5. What is your typical 4th of July like? Laid back at home? Community celebrations? etc...?
Here are my answers!
1. Do you have any siblings?
I have 3 siblings. They are all younger, yes I am the oldest. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters. I am 27, my brother Scott is 25, my sister Melanie is 20, and my sister Stephanie is 18!
Just a little side note. People have a hard time remembering which one of us girls are which, so a lady came up with Large, Medium, and Small. My name starts with an "L" my middle sister starts with a "M" and well you get the picture!
2. Do you have any children?
Yes, I have 2 children! A 7 year old boy named Brock and a 15 month old girl named Jaylee!
3. Are you a morning or night person?
I am definitely a night person, hence the name of my blog! No matter how hard I try to go to bed early it just doesn't work out! I get a burst of energy around 8 or 9 at night and it takes awhile for me to calm down and go to bed.
4.Are you organized or spontaneous?
I am more spontaneous than anything! I have some things organized, but most of the time I fly off the seat of my pants! It also doesn't help that my husband doesn't plan ahead, so I have to be patient and wait for the plan!
5. What is your typical 4th of July like? Laid back at home? Community celebrations? etc...? My typical 4th of July is spent attending the community events like the parade and going to the park for games, vendors, and yummy food! Then before the fireworks we head down to my parents pizza place and cook pizzas, cheese sticks, salads, and dessert. We then watch the fireworks with several family friends and do fireworks with the kids!
Now its your turn to answer the questions!
I am so excited for the 4th of July! I love decorating and celebrating this holiday! Since I don't have enough days of the week for my patriotic crafts, I will be posting a few times a day to show them off!
The first one I would like to show off is my July table runner! I found this pattern at my local quilt store and I had to make one. I loved how it turned out!
I am now debating if I should quilt on some fireworks throughout the whole thing!
I am linking this to the fabulous link parties on my side bar!
A few weeks ago a girl that I go to church with and who is in my Bunco group had a baby shower! I asked if I could do the napkins, because I had seen the cutest idea over atOopsey Daisy's baby week!
Do you want to know what they looked like? Well here there are!
They were so easy and everyone loved them!
I think you could cut a V out of the bottom to turn it into a pair of trousers for a boy!
I did do mine a little different! Instead of tying the bows and gluing them on, I tied them around the napkin and tied the bow in front! I plan on making many more adorable napkins like these!
I know I am! I look forward to checking out every one's creative projects! I always have a mile to do list after looking at each link up post. So here are my favorites from last week!
Hoo are you Tuesdays link party!
I am having a FABULOUS time getting to know fellow bloggers on a more personal level!
Here are the RULES!!!
I can't wait to get to know each other a little better and see what else we have in common besides our craftiness! Here's how it will work, each Tuesday I'll post a few questions. They can be anything from What's your favorite color to What's your favorite movie.
You will then copy this week's questions and change the answers to your own.
You will post them in a new post on your blog (you can back date this post so it doesn't show up as your newest post) and then come and link up that particular post (not the link to your main blog) here on our link party.
Make sure to visit as many blogs as you can and comment! It will be a good way to get to know some fun and interesting things about your fellow crafters!
Also add this cute little button to your post so that others can join in on the PARTY!!! (It is over on the left side bar).
I also would love your input for questions that you would like to know about each other! Feel free to email me any questions you come up with to nightowlcrafting@hotmail.com!
Here are the questions for this week's
Hoo are you Tuesdays?
1. What are some of your pet peeves? 2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number? 3. What is one of your family traditions? 4. Is there anything you are OC about? 5. What is your favorite kind of food?
Here are my answers!
1. What are some of your pet peeves?
I can't stand the toilet seat left up, I hate when telemarketers call, dead leaves hanging off of a plant, when necklaces are flipped around, and when people don't clean out the lint from the dryer after each load! I am sure I have several more, but that is enough for now!
2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
My favorite number is lucky number 7! I always had this number is sports, or when I have to pick a number that is what I pick!
3. What is one of your family traditions? Every year we take a trip to Lagoon (a theme park in Utah)! We also open up our Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve! We also pick a family to buy Christmas for or to do the twelve days of Christmas for them! 4. Is there anything you are OC about?
I have brown and green square plates that have to be stacked in my cupboard every other color!
I have to have all my blinds shut in the house at night, otherwise I get freaked out. The toilet paper has to roll over the top and not under! I know I am a dork!
5. What is your favorite kind of food? I love Italian! Anything that is pasta is my favorite, along with yummy breads!
Now it is your turn to answer and link up!
If you missed my post last week on Sew Can Do, then check out this cute baby toy!
I made this out of TEXTURE MAGIC! I also added a jingle bell inside, so that it would make noise! If you don't know what TEXTURE MAGIC is then you can read about it here!
Here is an up close picture of this fun baby sensory block!
I am going to be putting these in my ETSY store that will be opening soon!
I am a little late getting these up, but better late than never right?
I have several June decorations that I just finished or need to finish. I feel like my summer break is flying by so fast and I can't get everything accomplished that I want to each day!
Anyway, enough of the complaining, here are my June Welcome Danglers!
I went straight to my local hardware store to pick up the supplies! I would have went to Home Depot, but like I said before that is a 70 mile drive for me! I really wanted the same colors that Amy used, but I couldn't find the blue. I settled for orange and I am so glad how it turned out.
The sad part to this story is that I made a set for me and a set for my mom the week before Mother's Day and I just now got flowers planted in mine! It is so nice to have some color on my front porch!
I am so excited to show off my newest project! I made this little handbag out of a new line of Moda fabric!
The girls at our church made these as a secret sister gift for girls camp this year! The intentions were for the girls to bring their scriptures in them to church! There is a pocket on the front of the bag and then I made another little pocket for pens, highlighters, or chap stick!
Here is a picture of the inside!
Don't look at my flaws, this was my first one! I intend to fix my mistakes on my next ones that I will make! I am in the process of opening an ETSY store! My question for all of you reading this is if you would purchase one of these if you saw them in a store?
I also think that I will make some bigger sizes as well! I need feedback, what do you think?
I will be guest posting on her blog on Friday! I am going to be talking and showing off projects that involve TEXTURE MAGIC! I love this product, so come back on Friday and check it out!