Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Changing Pad!

I have been in a sewing mood lately! I am still behind on baby gifts, so this is what I made last night.

A changing pad!

This is so much better than the changing pad that comes in your diaper bag. This one is soft and made with waterproof mattress protectors. It is so easy to throw in the wash machine as well. Not only do you just get to see a picture of the finished product, but I am including a tutorial! Yes, I know this is the third one within a week. No, I am not sick, I am just sharing the love with all of you who would like to make your own. These are perfect baby gifts!

Supply List
*minky fabric
*waterproof mattress pad
*sewing machine
*rotary cutter
*cutting mat and ruler
*straight pins
*fabric marker/chalk

Step 1- Cut your fabric, minky fabric, and mattress pad the same size. I cut mine 26 x 16.

Step 2- Put the fabric and minky right sides together and lay the mattress pad on top of the minky

Step 3- Pin all 3 layers in place

Step 4- Take a cup and a piece of chalk or fabric pen and round your corners off.

Step 5- Sew a straight stitch around the outside of all 3 layers. Make sure to leave an opening so you can inside it out. Cut corners to round them!

Step 6- Put your hand in the hole and pull through to right side it out.

Step 7- Press around the seams including the open hole. Tuck the material under to match the rest.

Step 8- Pick a decorative stitch to top stitch around the edges. I prefer a rounded zigzag stitch.

Step 9- Measure the width of your changing pad and split it into thirds. I measured in 4 1/2 inches on each side. Then take your chalk/fabric marker and draw a straight line down the material .

Step 10- Use a straight stitch down the chalked or marker line.

Step 11- Turn your changing pad so that the material is facing up.

Step 12- Cut a piece of ribbon 26 inches long.

Step 13- Measure in one side 3 inches and down 4-5 inches and mark. Then place your ribbon here and pin into place.

Step 14- Attach your ribbon onto the changing pad. I used a zigzag stitch and went over it 3 times to make sure it was secure.

Step 15- Fold it in half and roll it up

Step 16- Tie your ribbon around it and your done!

 Hint! Minky isn't cheap, so if you get a 40% of coupon for JoAnn's then you can get it cheaper.
If any part of this tutorial doesn't make sense please feel free to email me at www.nightowlcrating@hotmail.com or leave a comment!


  1. Love this. So so cute.

  2. Do you have an Etsy shop or webpage where you take orders or sell the stuff that you make?

  3. That is too cute - I may have to make some of those for some friends that are having babies soon. Thanks for the cute idea!

  4. Super cute! Love it! Be sure to link this up at next weeks Mad Skills Monday! Great work!



  5. Oh Leslie, I am definitely making one of these! My son needs a new changing pad, and you make this seem so do-able! Thanks so much for linking up to Baby Week at Oopsey Daisy!

  6. Very cute! Thanks for sharing!

  7. This turned out just adorable. What a great gift it would make. Thanks!

  8. Ooooh, I just love this! This is gonna be my next baby gift project! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!


  9. I just saw your blog swap and wanted to stop by. You are one very talented woman. Thanks for sharing. I love that skirt and even the little baby block. I have followed you :)

  10. Wow this is a really great tutorial and it looks really easy to make. Thanks for posting this.


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