Monday, June 21, 2010

Hoo are you Tuesdays? #3

Welcome to another week of 
Hoo are you Tuesdays link party!
I am having a FABULOUS time getting to know fellow bloggers on a more personal level!

 Here are the RULES!!!

I can't wait to get to know each other a little better and see what else we have in common besides our craftiness! Here's how it will work, each Tuesday I'll post a few questions. They can be anything from What's your favorite color to What's your favorite movie.
  • You will then copy this week's questions and change the answers to your own. 
  • You will post them in a new post on your blog (you can back date this post so it doesn't show up as your newest post) and then come and link up that particular post (not the link to your main blog) here on our link party.
  • Make sure to visit as many blogs as you can and comment! It will be a good way to get to know some fun and interesting things about your fellow crafters! 
  • Also add this cute little button to your post so that others can join in on the PARTY!!! (It is over on the left side bar).


I also would love your input for questions that you would like to know about each other! Feel free to email me any questions you come up with to!

Here are the questions for this week's
 Hoo are you Tuesdays?

1. What are some of your pet peeves?
2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
3. What is one of your family traditions?
4. Is there anything you are OC about?
5. What is your favorite kind of food?

Here are my answers! 
 1. What are some of your pet peeves?
I can't stand the toilet seat left up, I hate when telemarketers call, dead leaves hanging off of a plant, when necklaces are flipped around, and when people don't clean out the lint from the dryer after each load! I am sure I have several more, but that is enough for now!
2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
My favorite number is lucky number 7! I always had this number is sports, or when I have to pick a number that is what I pick! 
3. What is one of your family traditions?
Every year we take a trip to Lagoon (a theme park in Utah)! We also open up our Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve! We also pick a family to buy Christmas for or to do the twelve days of Christmas for them!
4. Is there anything you are OC about?
I have brown and green square plates that have to be stacked in my cupboard every other color!
I have to have all my blinds shut in the house at night, otherwise I get freaked out. The toilet paper has to roll over the top and not under! I know I am a dork! 
5. What is your favorite kind of food?
I love Italian! Anything that is pasta is my favorite, along with yummy breads!

Now it is your turn to answer and link up!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Hey Leslie! I love this party ok here are mine!

    1. One of my biggest is noisy eaters! I can't stand when people smack their lips or chew like a million times its so gross!!

    2. Mine would have to be 13 since I was born on the 13th!!

    3. I would have to say the ornament tradition we each get an ornament for christmas I love it!

    4. This is odd but I have to have my coupon binder just so or it drives me nuts!!

    5. Mexican is my favorite hands down! I could eat cafe rio or costa vida every day for the rest of my life and be completely content.

    Thanks so much for hosting such a great party! It is so fun to get to know people!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!!
    Meet Virginia!!!

  2. Meet Rose:
    1. What are some of your pet peeves?

    2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
    13, 14, 17 and 21

    3. What is one of your family traditions?
    eat soup

    4. Is there anything you are OC about?
    i'm with you on the toilet paper roll

    5. What is your favorite kind of food?

  3. I feel the same way about the toilet roll (I do.not.understand why people would roll it under! It is so inefficient!). I **love** Italian food. And my favorite number is also based on sports! Too funny!!

  4. We too have lots of the same answers! I will get my post up during naptime!

  5. ugh, the toilet seat! Cleaning the toilet is my most hated chore. I have two boys and a husband to look after. My husband never leaves the seat up (THANK GOD!!) so I'm hoping my boys learn to put the seat back down early.

  6. Loved your answers. This is my first week to participate,and I'm so happy I found your party. It sounds like great fun..

  7. I agree with so many of yours too! lol. I've actually been known to change the toilet paper at other people's houses before! I know, probably rude of me, but I only do it if it's someone I know really well.

  8. So I an very OC about everything except for the toilet paper roll!! LOL I just wanted to toilet paper on the roll not on the counter. I am about to post mine.

  9. i'm oc about my toilet paper roll too. it has to be over the top as well.

  10. The questions this week are too funny! I Love and follow your blog and would love if you came by to visit mine at


I really appreciate when readers leave comments! I read each one of them and I get all excited to see HOOOO is taking interest in my post! Thanks so much for taking the time to write a few words it makes my day!